It takes a village to birth a startup. We’re that village in the crypto-verse.
Our beliefs
Values on which this tribe operates:
A feature of this fast-paced industry is that ringer fencers eventually lose out. They exclude themselves from the knowledge and the latest developments.
Morality aside, this is incentive enough to collaborate with the entire ecosystem.
We work with founders and investors who have this collaborative mindset.
For us, the community is prime. We know the feeling of a helpless customer or investor. Crypto empowers this community. Participation and transparency are their rights.
Decentralisation as the endgoal
We want to disrupt the infinite leverage that opaque, monolithic entities have garnered. This is a peaceful revolution.
This is in form of exit-to-community.
Woods and Trees
A balance of long-term and short-term is important.
Personal Motivation
There are founders who look at a gap in the market. Then there are founders who do it because they have suffered and they do not want anyone else to suffer. We look for personal motivation.
A typical web3 startup dies in less than a year. The number of variables to be managed is just too high. Only one thing keeps it going: founder’s perseverance.
This is what we look for. Is this project going to survive for 5 years or more?
Fundamental thinking
Web3 requires ground-up thinking in most cases. First-principles. You cannot port parts from web2 here. Building a Paypal for web3 just doesn’t work.
This sums up how we see this revolution: